Lets face it (no pun intended,) sometimes life can get too busy for complicated skin care routines. Most of the time you cant be sure how long youll have to get ready for the day. Korean face masks and new skin care fads may be exciting to try, but theres no guarantee youll have the time. Between work, family, and hobbies most people are lucky to squeeze in a half an hour for daily facial care.
However, the truth is you dont need hours to implement a rejuvenating daily regimen. Weve compiled a list of essentials for skin care routines that require 30, 15, and even just 5 minutes a day.
The 5 Minute Skin care Routine: Only the essentials
You wake up late. You cant find your keys. Your car wont start. Weve all been there. However, if youre able to take just 5 minutes to cleanse and moisturize your face, the health and cosmetic benefits will be considerable.
CLEANSING It is important to clean before you get started with any skin care measures. Applying substances without first cleansing the skin can trap existing dirt and oils inside your pores. That can make any skin problems youre having worse! Start things off by using a nice facial cleanser like theSkinCeuticals Purifying Gel.
This purifying gel is free of paraben, sulfates, soap, fragrances, dyes and alcohol. That means youll get a thoroughly clean face the natural way.
MOISTURIZING Our bodies are composed of up to 60% water. Its the lubrication system that helps everything operating properly. Keeping our faces hydrated helps every other step of our skin care regimen. Not to mention when were hydrated we just feel better all around. Moisturizing your face in the morning will help you tackle the day looking healthy and beautiful.
There is no short answer as to which is the best skin moisturizer, but theSkinCeuticals Hydra Balmis a great choice, featuring emollients that hydrate even deeper than most.
The 15-Minute Skin care Routine: Taking some time for you
Some mornings you have a little bit more time, but not enough for an elaborate Korean face mask. Thats the time to add just a couple of minutes to EXFOLIATE and PROTECT.
EXFOLIATING When skin cells die our body sheds them naturally, but sometimes it doesnt always fall off. Thats why we get calluses and rough patches on certain areas of our bodies. Dead skin can build up and needs a little extra attention to be removed. For a daily exfoliation measure we recommend using theSkinCeuticals Micro-exfoliating scrub.
It uses diatomaceous (big word for natural) beads to help scrub away the dead skin that may have built-up.
PROTECTING Having fun in the sun is great, but its important to remember that prolonged exposure to sunlight is the number one cause of skin cancer and other dangerous skin problems. Applying a sunscreen or protective balm before you go out into the world gives you have an extra layer of protection which could mean the difference between youthful, beautiful skin and medical problems. Protect your skin and prevent damage before it can occur (its so much easier :))
A popular option isEltaMD UV Daily Suncreen.
Its easy to apply, infused with anti-oxidants, and protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.
The30 Minute Skincare Routine: You know youre worth it
REPAIRING Weather damage, sun damage, dehydrationour faces can encounter a lot of dangers throughout the day. When we get a cut, we put a bandage on it to help it heal. Why would it be any different for sun damage? Its good to take some time to help our body naturally repair itself. While everyone has different skin care repair needs, a popular option isSkinCeuticals Lytera 2.0.
Lytera 2.0 works wonders for people who deal with skin discoloration and dark spots.
Get Results in No-Time
Taking small steps to care for your face can make a big difference in your skins health (even better is that most products have multiple uses to save you more time.)
So take a moment (or a couple) in the morning with your skin care routine to clean, exfoliate, repair, moisturize and protect your face. The results will be fabulous.
Houston Skin Associates is revolutionizing the world of skin care routines
Houston Skin Associates is a leader in providing the most advanced products and treatments for caring for your skin, and this summer were changing the game.
Well soon be providing a new service that will change the way you care for your skin forever. Subscribe to our email list and youll receive an exclusive alert with more details!